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File List  |  1995-07-29  |  8KB  |  118 lines

  2. █████ OS/2 Arsenal v1.0
  4. █████ Area: OS/2 Archivers
  5. █████ Disc: [1] 1995-1994
  6. █████ PATH: \OS2_ARCH
  9. 10UNZS.ZIP    [0]  The Unzip Shell - OS/2 PM Application
  10.                                | Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files.
  11.                                | Uses UNZIP.EXE for compatibility with ZIP
  12.                                | files created with PKZIP (as of v2.04) and
  13.                                | other Zip utilities. Allows viewing of files
  14.                                | before unzipping (registered version uses
  15.                                | OS/2 Object Association to activate the
  16.                                | proper application for viewing). Creates WPS
  17.                                | object of directory unzipped files are
  18.                                | created in.
  19. AFE25.ZIP     [0]  AFE version 2.5 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/2
  20.                                | 2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program which
  21.                                | provides a visual front end for the creation,
  22.                                | updating, unarchiving, virus scanning,
  23.                                | viewing, printing and deleting of ZIP, LZH,
  24.                                | ZOO and ARJ files. Supports running of
  25.                                | internal archive executables.
  26. ARCM23.ZIP    [0]  Archive Manager; multithreaded PM front end
  27.                                | for PKZIP, InfoZIP 5.x, and LH. Drag and drop
  28.                                | to create and maintain archive files.
  29. DROPNZIP.ZIP  [0]  PM (drag and drop)interface for Zip/Unzip
  30. DRPNZIP.ZIP   [0]  PM Interface to Zip/Unzip (req. VROBJ.DLL).
  31. HA20999D.ZIP  [0]  Ha2 - os/2 port of harri hirvola's ha archiv.
  32. HPACK79O.ZIP  [0]  HPACK - Multi-System Archiver: Executibles
  33. KLZIP104.ZIP  [0]  KL-ZIP is a GUI interface for the
  34.                                | shareware/public domain programs ZIP.EXE and
  35.                                | UNZIP.EXE for OS/2. It fully exploits OS/2
  36.                                | with Drag and Drop capabilities. (not for
  37.                                | PKZIP or PKUNZIP.)
  38. LOADRAM2.ZIP  [0]  Newer Version Of The IBM LOADRAM Unarchiver.
  39. LZHMVS.ZIP    [0]  Cross-platform Compression, From PCs to UNIX
  40.                                | to MVS - and back. Compressed file transrer
  41.                                | between PC and Mainframe - LZHDOS & LZHMVS.
  43.                                | Compressing Backup And Restore Utilities
  44.                                | Revision: 2.9.
  45. PMZIP01.ZIP   [0]  zipmeister v0.1: PM Zip archive manager
  46. PMZPR14.ZIP   [0]  PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout.
  47.                                | OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view.
  48.                                | ARJ, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, unpack & unpack2.exe WARP
  49.                                | 3.0 revision. Archive utility.
  50. TDATE140.ZIP  [0]  Archive "True Date" Stamp Utility, version
  51.                                | 1.40. OS/2 2.x only. TrueDate will reset an
  52.                                | archive to the "true date" (i.e., the file
  53.                                | inside the archive with the newest or oldest
  54.                                | date). New archive programs can be
  55. UARJ2412.ZIP  [0]  ARJ file compression decompressor.
  56. UC2INS.EXE    [0]  UltraCompressor - Super Fast new file compre
  57. UNARJ32.ZIP   [0]  UNARJ with wildcard and extract path support
  58. UR2_100A.ZIP  [0]  The FREE UnRAR utility, portable version
  59.                                | 1.00e OS/2 32 bit Rev A Jan 1995 Alberto
  60.                                | Pasquale handles archives created with RAR -
  61.                                | testing, viewing, extracting - does not
  62.                                | require registration
  63. WUZ131.ZIP    [0]  WPS UNZIP FOR OS/2 2.X. WPS UnZip is a front
  64.                                | end for ARC, ARJ, LZH, TAR, Z, ZIP and ZOO
  65.                                | files. Just double-click and WUZ will create
  66.                                | a temporary directory and give you a
  67.                                | command-line and a desktop folder for the
  68.                                | archive.
  69. XBIN21.ZIP    [0]  Mac BinHex archive decoder
  70. X_OS2_18.EXE  [0]  Unzip/UnArc/UnLZH
  71. ZC164B.ZIP    [0]  Zip Control is an OS/2 program which uses a
  72.                                | PM interface to access the freeware program
  73.                                | UNZIP.EXE. UnZIP is a command line program
  74.                                | which is compatible with version 2 of the DOS
  75.                                | PkZIP program.
  76. ZIPBO111.ZIP  [0]  ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to brand
  77.                                | .ZIP files in a whole directory tree SAFELY
  78.                                | and QUICKLY with a comment or banner taken
  79.                                | from a file. Typically processing speed is
  80.                                | 20+++ files a sec. Advanced but very easy to
  81.                                | use.Does NOT use external programs as PKZIP
  82.                                | or Info ZIP. OS/2 version.
  83. ZIPBREXX.ZIP  [0]  zipbrand.cmd v1.0 - OS/2 Rexx routine for BBS
  84.                                | branding of archive files with bbs specific c
  85.                                | archive date to the newest date within the ar
  86.                                | only. Requires zip.exe dated 9-18-93.
  87. ZIPCT222.ZIP  [0]  RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.2 <ASP> - Easy OS/2
  88.                                | PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP32.EXE
  89.                                | and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an
  90.                                | easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you
  91.                                | from the command line when using the freeware
  92.                                | ZIP.EXE & UNZIP32.EXE. Zip & UnZip are
  93.                                | compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS
  94.                                | PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on
  95.                                | many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBM
  96.                                | NSC BBS, and CompuServe.
  97. ZIPME121.ZIP  [0]  ZipMe v1.21. 32bit PM Zip shell. Freeware.
  98. ZOO210E.EXE   [0]  ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT compatible) - Executables
  99. ZPCTL222.ZIP  [0]  RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.2 <ASP> - Easy OS/2
  100.                                | PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP32.EXE
  101.                                | and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an
  102.                                | easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you
  103.                                | from the command line when using the freeware
  104.                                | ZIP.EXE & UNZIP32.EXE. Zip & UnZip are
  105.                                | compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS
  106.                                | PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on
  107.                                | many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBM
  108.                                | NSC BBS, and CompuServe.
  109. ZS103F.ZIP    [0]  ZipStream v1.03f - OS/2 Compressed File
  110.                                | System. Mirrors access to existing OS/2 file
  111.                                | systems, and provides automatic, transparent
  112.                                | file compression and decompression. Supports
  113.                                | HPFS, FAT, Diskettes and LAN File Systems.
  114.                                | Outstanding performance featuring background
  115.                                | compression. Ultra high compression ratios
  116.                                | and WPS compatible. No container files, No
  117.                                | reformatting. Native OS/2 32 bit app.